Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Preparation for Painting Night

I finished Twilight yesterday and Yvonne assured me she'd lend me the next book as soon as she got it. Painting night is supposed to be on Wednesday night. Richard is out and it's really quiet and peaceful in the evenings. I switch all the noise off - TV's, music, etc and just enjoy the silence. There are times when I put music on while I work, but more and more I find myself switching everything off so that I can enjoy that. Things get so hectic and white noise bothers me intensely. Actually all noise bothers me intensely. I start hyperventilating when an abhorent thudding taxi drives up or down our road... Hello!!! Doesn't it bother you that the base is vibrating your car's bodywork apart? Do you ever stop to think what effect that might have on your body and by the way, the poor innocent bystanders around you?
Sigh. Maybe I'm just feeling the ravages of time...
I found some tapes that I listened to a few years back and I had to smile to myself. I remember trying to convince a couple of friends that what I was listening to was fantastic, if they'd just give it a try. I was an avid Rush fan. But he squeals a bit like a girl and I suppose that might be an acquired taste. So, those I was trying to convert sadly remain in darkness! They couldn't get past the girly squeals to the really good stuff. Actually, listening to it now, it reminds me of when someone gets excited and their pitch or tone goes higher and higher - some people can make dogs howl when they're worked up! Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy it. But I must say I do find it hard to go back to music I used to listen to. I really really don't like music from the 80's. And at art school there's always one idiot who ruins one or all of the following by playing it to death: The doors, Rodriguez, pink floyd - the wall, etc.


Teri's Blog said...

You know that book #4 is coming out August 2nd here in the States? Hope you can read fast:)

Art Portfolio & Journal said...

maybe I should send u cash to post books 2,3 & 4! Even with the really slow post, I'll probly still get it b4 we do here in SA!!