Monday, April 9, 2012

Prints for Sale

Old Testament Reader – Garden of Eden I - 6

Limited Edition Prints: 50 @ $100.00/print

The Gallerie, Mike Stout

Prints for Sale

The Profitable Servant

This painting was the start of a series of three works – the first would be the artist producing the ceramics (or talents) and the next two paintings would show the artist serving people, with those ceramic pots appearing somewhere in the painting.

Original: $1000.00

The Gallerie, Mike Stout

Prints for Sale

Better to Look Up

This is a very early work, with no actual scriptural reference – but when I heard the talk ‘Better to Look Up’ in conference, I knew I had to pull this painting out again. Initially I had entitled the painting ‘Looking to the light’. I liked the notion of the sunflowers facing the sun and the idea of us looking to the light and keeping our eye on all things that enlighten our spirits.

Original: $1200.00

Limited Edition Prints: 50 @ $145.00/print

The Gallerie, Mike Stout

Prints for Sale

Price Above Rubies

In this work there are a number of plants that are indigenous to the eastern cape. These plants aren’t always pretty or beautiful in the conventional sense – but they are very hardy, surviving with very little rain and sustenance. I drew this analogy with those who serve the Lord with humility & diligence – they are not always those with great status or beauty, but they endure many things and offer great empathy to those enduring similar and worse trials.

Limited Edition Prints: 50 @ $395.00/print

On exhibition in Church Museum of Art & History

Prints for Sale


Inspired by the parable of the master whose servants increase their talents (Matthew 25:14-30)in this painting I used the ceramic containers to represent the talents.

Original: $1200.00

Limited Edition Prints: 50 @ $145.00/print

Collection of Mr Stone, Utah

Prints for Sale

‘With the Fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard’ African Proverb I

This work was one of the first paintings produced in the series and in this work, I wanted to depict a reminder of our stewardship of the earth – using what we need and not wasting, and the counsel received from the prophet to plant a garden. In the background are some indigenous plants found in South Africa.

Limited Edition Prints: 50 @ $225.00/print

Collection of Mr Charsley, Colorado

Prints for Sale

‘Strength & honour are her clothing’ African Proverb III

In this painting I wanted to convey a sense of peace & tranquility – the Saviour tells us that He will bless us with peace – not as the world giveth, (John 14:27) and this is what I wanted to convey in the painting. Although there is a great deal of detail and pattern in the painting, the model conveys that sense of peace amidst the busy background.

Original: $900.00

Limited Edition Prints:    50x (35x28)@ $190.00/print

                                                50x (11x18) @ $110.00/print

The Gallerie

Prints for Sale

The Iron Rod(African Proverb IV)

Inspired by the story of Lehi’s dream about the iron rod, I wanted the background to show a confusion of branches and leaves – some leaves smaller and more tightly compact representing the times in our lives when we endure temptation & distraction from holding to the rod. The model looks directly ahead to the goal to maintain focus on the iron rod and not be distracted.

Original: $1800.00

Limited Edition Prints:                    50x (11x14”)@ $65.00/print

                                                                50x (21x28”) @ $190.00/print

The Gallerie

Prints for Sale

‘Her candle goeth not out by night’ (African Proverb V)

This painting was produced as part of a series inspired by Proverbs 31:10-19. I wanted to depict the women of South Africa who really make the most of what they have which is very little at the best of times. These women work incredibly hard – working late into the night and often getting up really early in the morning to go to work – travelling far distances to get there.

Original: $1600.00

Limited Edition Prints: 50 @ $110/print

The Gallerie