Thursday, February 5, 2009


I watched the Village for the first time a couple of weeks back. I am so bowled over by that movie. What a pleasure to see the amazing cinemagraphic little masterpieces in various scenes not to mention incredible story and beautiful, meticulously crafted characters. I'm inclined to dislike fads: if there's an actor that's "hot" or a movie that everyone raves about, I find myself avoiding those things because I don't want to be influenced by popular demand. So, I knew the story of the Village, but it was such a treat to watch that movie.
I was riveted by the scene where everyone hides and calls for her but she stands holding out her hand for him and from that moment he always holds her hand.
And his speech on the porch when she asks him why he is sitting on her porch... o my goodness!
There are a few actors I would not like to run into in a dark alley - they have a sinister kind of aura or countenance. Joaquim Phoenix and Christian Bale are some of them... But I have to admit, that Phoenix boy can act.

1 comment:

janine said...

hey louise! this is janine (charsley) grover. i found your blog off of teri riding's. cool. i'm an avid blogger. it's my journal keeping. i love your art!