On the sabc news tonight we had an expert economist announce that we were officially in a recession. After Trevor Manuel did his best to placate everyone into a false sense of security (did anyone actually believe him??) the powers that be are now finally admitting to the crisis. I don't suppose this has anything to do with the fact that the denials happened before the elections and the truth is now being exposed after the elections...
I'm mildly irritated by people who lie blatantly and badly (sorry, Trevor - you fall into that category) The other day we went and had a look at a really old house that looked ok from the street. Oh my goodness! The walls were so badly affected by damp that THEY WERE CRUMBLING!!! And the estate agent was burning incense in just about every bedroom. What the heck does that tell you??? So he tells me the price and I burst out laughing - I couldn't help myself. I tell him as politely as possible that I wouldn't be prepared to pay half of that, so he nonchalantly tells me how much the renovated house next door went for - just to give me an idea of what houses in this area go for. So my friend asks casually, when was that house sold? And he replies, about a year ago. A year ago houses were being sold for R50-100 000 more than they were worth. I guess the poor guy is desperate to sell - he did mention a couple of times that it was an urgent sale.
So, at the moment, my imaginary dartboard has an image of Trevor and the estate agent and I'm mentally throwing darts at them - hmm... maybe I should rather put them in the stocks and throw rotten food at them...
Heavens no! We're in a recession! Pick up that rotten food and can it!
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