A few weeks back I got an email in my junk box that said something to the effect of: Have seen your work and like what you do, we have a site you might want to join because there are jobs going that would definitely suit your work. Oh, my goodness! This was tantamount to offering a dying man in the desert an oasis of bliss hosted by a suspicious fantastical figure...
Obviously there were a number of warning signs - but let's face it, when you are in the desert of your career, producing work quietly in an encapsulated tomb in the hopes of producing a big enough portfolio to KNOCK THEM DEAD when you finally have your solo exhibition, the last thing your hopeful little conscience does is pick up on the indicators of a scam as your excitement swells to ludicrous proportions in the hope that this is your break - finally!
Well, I eagerly went and joined the site before checking out the jobs and the people on the network - then I went and checked the jobs and suddenly it became glaringly clear that this individual who had sent me the email (which I'm sure was a generic) had no idea what my work looked like...
Besides the fact that some of the jobs that were posted were laughable, "Looking for someone to make me a jersey like Princess Dianna's from the 80's" (Ok, not that bad, but close...) the supposed "business people" on the network looked more like talent scouts for movies that don't get to the video store, nevermind the cinema... Including a very suspicious looking person calling themselves Oprah Winfrey... Hmm.
The final straw was when I got a friend request from a guy in India who looked like he was trying out for a part in Baywatch.
And I thought Facebook was bad...
1 comment:
Sometimes we have to learn the hard way However having said that in this day of enlightenment (the net etc)we only have ourselves to blame if we walk around with blinkers on This pertains to just about everything whether it be scams politics religion you name it Rule of thumb is if it sounds too good to be true it probably is Bet you wont fall into that trap again Btw love your writing style maybe THAT is another direction TO KNOCK THEM DEAD Just a thought Best of luck
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