I spent almost the entire day watching movies with the kids and this obviously had some sort of subliminal effect since last night I dreamt about Seurat's Sunday Afternoon at La Grande Jatte. Seurat was an impressionist fundamentally, but his method gave rise to a movement called pointilism. He used dots of colour (like blue and yellow together) and when you stood back, it would create a different colour (green) with almost an animated form.
I was thinking in the dream why I'd never recognised the true genius of his abilities - being able to recognise which pure palette colours to put together in order to create even the most simplified form...
I suppose all those tiny dots on the TV screen were working on my subconscious! David Hockney enlarging photos to pixelated stage is one thing, but to do that without the advent of any technology and purely as an exploration of colour for art's sake was far more advanced than I'd ever given poor old Seurat credit for. Sorry, George!
Which reminds me - if you don't want a searing eye strain headache, stop watching Pixar after 4 hours!!!
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