Thursday, May 20, 2010

Early Ruby Rednose

I really wish I didn't enjoy aquarelle pencil on coloured paper so much!


Oh, to be tech genius... Half of this dwg was chopped off by my friend the obstinate scanner. Sigh. There is so much potential for pattern and decoration, and focusing attention on composition. I know all artists are different, but for me - drawing is the crux of an artwork. If there are problems that aren't resolved in the drawing stage, I am never 100% happy with the painting.


Sipiwe is standing on the right hand side of the drawing - clearly this whole blog thing is backfiring on me - when I think I'm putting the last one first its actually visa versa... This really is one of my favourite illustrations - I can see why Macmillan don't recommend crayon on coloured paper to their illustrators. You lose detail and get an ugly grainy effect.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Older work


Everyday I sit with a million ideas in my head which never reach paper, nevermind colour! So I have resolved to draw some of the ideas every day - not sure how long it'll last, but I really need to keep working.